I recently got a new toy… my very first iPhone! While I do love my burner phones, I must say I have been enjoying the more modernized and advanced abilities afforded to me; however, I am still pretty electronically impaired and very much learning little-by-little. Also, I’m not the best at taking photos and normally rely on other people to tag me in their photos in order to keep a record of my comings-and-goings. So, I was challenged last month to take a photo a day using my new phone.
What did I do?
Some days were easier than others. My work often brings me to interesting places and Cusco in general has a wealth of photo opportunities. Some days, however, I just totally forgot and had to take a last minute photo of whatever I could find… and that’s OK! I had no set goal other than to take a picture a day of whatever I happened to come across.
Yes! I took a photo a day for the month. I also got myself a version of Photoshop and started teaching myself some of the very basics of photo editing. So, without further ado, the following is a sampling of my life for a month: